Let's celebrate and have a good time!
Celebration Time!! |
It has been a while, I do apologise. Everyone has been very busy and my Human hasn't had much time to sit and write for me.
I am as fit as a fiddle and as full of nonsense as ever... I am FULLY recovered from my aches and pains and life has been so much better since I no longer eat bird seed.
But, the reason I am so happy today is because five years ago is when I met the girls, Dad and my Human. Yes! I am five years old and loving it.
Here I am having some milk - if the cats can have it, so can I and once I start I don't want to stop! See the pose I have developed...
I am so priviledged to belong to a family who love animals and I hope, that one day, when I join the big gig in the sky, that I will come back as an animal in this household!
He really is a chop and loves to sit in my red house too.
Or other places if he can
He taps me on the tail every now and then and I just turn around and show him my big black beak. That puts him in his place alright!
And until next time, Dance like no-one is watching!