Good news! Remember I said I had my next checkup on 31 May? Well I have had another two since and the Bird Doctor is so pleased with my progress that I no longer have to take antibiotics! I guess I will miss the special treatment, but I still have to have my face washed every night.
The Bird Doctor also says that the longer my scab takes to fall off, the better because it means that healing is taking place beneath it. Isn't all this just wonderful?
My Human has been quite something about nursing me and makes sure that I'm well fed and watered all day, every day and puts me in sheltered sunny spots so I can get my doses of vitamin D.
Yhew! I am clapped by 18:30 and can't wait to get into bed, but not without a fuss and bother about having my face washed first. I just love the hot cloth and the way my Human rubs my beak until it is squeaky clean!
I am coping very well with my designer collar, although it does get in my way sometimes, but otherwise I have been almost able to accomplish all the things I was doing before I took ill.
I am eating very well and enjoying every morsel. My weight has picked up and I am so much stronger for it too.
In the meantime, keep warm and enjoy the soccer!